Hello, Lovely Leapers!
Summer is my favorite season. During these months, my creativity is usually at its zenith, and the lack of routine gives me plenty of time to ramble by the river or along the ocean.
Over the past few days, we have had a bit of a heat wave, and our air conditioning has decided to go on strike. We are still awaiting its, no doubt, quite reasonable demands.
Today I have a string of summer haiku comics in different experimental styles for you and a haiku prompt.
Haiku Comics
two stiff frog legs poke out from garbage can lid, springing to life once open
beads of sweat roll down from my bald head, traversing along chest and back
stretched across the couch in shadow cast by pillow, dog naps without joy
from the unkempt field, cricket conversations float through open windows
electric fans hum failing to lure sweet dreams in the stale, sticky night
Haiku Thoughts & Prompt
I fell irrevocably in love with haiku the moment I understood that haiku was the poetry of observation. It’s a simple (but not easy) way to increase awareness and sharpen attention.
It’s also a much kinder way to spend time than doomscrolling social media.
I wrote today’s string of haiku in a single sweltery session last night when it was too hot, and my mind was too active, to sleep. They are all about things I observed during that day.
To help me remember what I’ve experienced on a given day, I frequently write little notes and make scribbles and sketches in the notebook I carry with me so that I can later turn them into poetry comics.
Do you have any rituals or habits that help you capture experiences and observations?
What summer scenes have you seen where you are?
Write a haiku (or two or three or more) about your summer observations, and if you’re feeling bold, leave them in the comments! Feel free to write either free-verse haiku or poems that use the 5-7-5 syllable pattern.
I can’t wait to read your haiku!
Be the poetry you want to see in the world!
Still warm today
Despite the morning chill
Fall hiding in the woods
The grass turns yellow
Despite constant watering,
Come back, my green grass.
Hello, red summer,
Your heat, my god, your mad heat,
Sun rays and grey steam.