Looking at the Night Sky with the Eyes of a Child
A favorite haiku comic and a second short poem
Hello, Gentle Souls!
Today you’re getting a repost of one of my favorite comics.
all of our children
wonder at same set of stars
gaze at the same moon
This one is an early comic. I made it right as I was beginning to figure out what I wanted these haiku comics to be like.
Looking at it reminds me why I love making poetry comics, and this haiku always takes me back to watching the night sky with my children when they were younger.
Be kind out there. Everyone needs more kindness and gentleness in their lives.
The Ship
He was disappointed when his ship comes in because it was a rowboat.
Be the poetry you want to see in the world!
Such a great reminder that we gaze at the same stars and moon.
Oh, I LOVE this one.
It's a great way to remind us of this important thing.