WOW! Challenge accepted! 😀👍🏻

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Solitude is vital for me. It's when I regenerate and when I create. I do love time with family and friends, but always retreat afterward. Time with others exhausts me, no matter how much I love it. I'm a true introvert. Which isn't to say I can't be vibrant and outgoing or that I don't enjoy the hell out of a lively exchange of ideas.

Anyone who knows me well has seen this pattern. Anyone who has remained a friend respects it. My family just assumes I'll disappear into my room after any kind of gathering, no matter how outgoing I was during it.

I think the form our inborn nature or, if you will, how it's expressed, changes throughout our lives. And, like anything we like to try to neatly label, introversion and extroversion are just two ends of a continuum, with all permutations lying between.

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