I love it Jason! What you’re getting at reminds me of the saying, “be here now”. One of my first projects for music was called “Here Right Now”. I painted the words on my acoustic guitar and played it everywhere. The mantra served as a reminder to me that I was terrible at staying in the moment, but I had hope that in order to grow and be well grounded in this life - you have to be in the moment. The most calm and peaceful moments of my life are when I let go of the cool ideas and rabbit holes that leave me pondering thoughts for hours- days even. I guess the name, “Cloud Grounding Publications” speaks to that duality within myself. My head is always in the clouds gathering information from - everywhere - but I walk barefoot through the neighborhood with my kid and try to maintain a healthy balance; in other words, gathering thoughts from the clouds, grounding them to the moment, and publishing them for anyone and everyone :) Happy holidays to you and yours Jason

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