Here you are in all your freshness and am just delighted. Signed up to Systemic as a fellow political consumer from way back…something tells me your insights are going to be worthwhile to me and many others
It was good to see a new post from you, Jason! I'd been thinking the last few days that I'd missed some. I love this: "When I recommend a book to you, I’m not trying to goose commerce. I’m signaling to you that this book moved me somehow, and based on what I know about you, I think it will move you, too." Have you been inside my head??
Thank you, Liz! It's been a rough few months, but I'm back at it! I feel like so many of us writers and readers have an internalized system of ethics that is a poor fit for our modern virtual world of hustlers and cons. We just want people to be safe, happy, and cozy!
Thanks, Arlene! I've had a rough few months, but am back in the creative rhythm once more! I will be finishing up Baseball Haiku, probably as bonus posts this month. I've started working on a Baseball Haiku double header, and I will let you know when it's scheduled to run.
🤣So great, Jason, absolutely “the ultimate” 🤣I’m picturing the butterfly from my post, shaking her head over our phone fascination while sipping on very analog blackberries.
Really looking forward to Synthetic, as well, congrats on launching a new project!
Thank you! I think a lot, maybe too much, about what we are missing by having such easy access to so much information and content. I think losing boredom and a sense of having to wait for things messes with our analog brains.
I think you're right. Our brains really are optimized in an analog fashion, and that's just exactly why we keep observing cascading harmful effects of an increasingly digital world.
I think a proper foundation in getting bored and getting curious is really essential to a life well-lived :) Then, that easy access can be a benefit, as you chase curiosity into all the far corners, instead of a detriment, which it all too easily is.
Can't believe I missed when this one came out. What a delight! It's lovely to see how your style plays outside of haiku as well (hope we'll get to see others in the future?). I agree with your note on book recommendations; there is a personal-intent behind human recommendations which makes them altogether different from automated ones.
Congratulations on five years, I've been enjoying your work immensely since I found Weirdo several months ago.
Thanks, Nick! I will definitely be doing more non-haiku poetry comics! I'm working on one right now. I actually have a book that collects three of my non-haiku poetry comics. Here's a newsletter link to one of those poetry comics from the book.
Here you are in all your freshness and am just delighted. Signed up to Systemic as a fellow political consumer from way back…something tells me your insights are going to be worthwhile to me and many others
I signed up, too, Patris!
Thanks! I will be doing my best!
It was good to see a new post from you, Jason! I'd been thinking the last few days that I'd missed some. I love this: "When I recommend a book to you, I’m not trying to goose commerce. I’m signaling to you that this book moved me somehow, and based on what I know about you, I think it will move you, too." Have you been inside my head??
This. Him.
Thank you, Liz! It's been a rough few months, but I'm back at it! I feel like so many of us writers and readers have an internalized system of ethics that is a poor fit for our modern virtual world of hustlers and cons. We just want people to be safe, happy, and cozy!
Jason, I hope you are OK. I have missed seeing your posts in the last few weeks.
I am glad to see you up again with your Weirdo Poetry.
Please let me know if you will publish any more readings from Baseball Haiku.
Baseball has a longer season now.
Please keep on doing what you are doing!
Thanks, Arlene! I've had a rough few months, but am back in the creative rhythm once more! I will be finishing up Baseball Haiku, probably as bonus posts this month. I've started working on a Baseball Haiku double header, and I will let you know when it's scheduled to run.
Thank you for your encouragement! I need it!
I am so happy to hear from you and to learn that you are a survivor!
I look forward to seeing your Baseball Haiku bonus posts, and especially your Baseball Haiku double header!
Please do let me know when they are scheduled to run and, first and foremost, I wish you the best of health!!
Glad you’re back, Jason! 👏👏👏
Thrilled to be back, Paul!
🤣So great, Jason, absolutely “the ultimate” 🤣I’m picturing the butterfly from my post, shaking her head over our phone fascination while sipping on very analog blackberries.
Really looking forward to Synthetic, as well, congrats on launching a new project!
Thank you! I think a lot, maybe too much, about what we are missing by having such easy access to so much information and content. I think losing boredom and a sense of having to wait for things messes with our analog brains.
I think you're right. Our brains really are optimized in an analog fashion, and that's just exactly why we keep observing cascading harmful effects of an increasingly digital world.
I think a proper foundation in getting bored and getting curious is really essential to a life well-lived :) Then, that easy access can be a benefit, as you chase curiosity into all the far corners, instead of a detriment, which it all too easily is.
Really enjoyed he structure of the illustration sequence and the way we are pulled on and on and on, fed the next thing bit by bit … so fitting.
Thanks! As much a I love haiku comics, I'm excited to explore some longer forms of poetry-comic storytelling!
So good to see you back here, Jason. And congrats on 5 years!
Thank you! It’s crazy how long you can do something if you have no sense of enough 🤣
Can't believe I missed when this one came out. What a delight! It's lovely to see how your style plays outside of haiku as well (hope we'll get to see others in the future?). I agree with your note on book recommendations; there is a personal-intent behind human recommendations which makes them altogether different from automated ones.
Congratulations on five years, I've been enjoying your work immensely since I found Weirdo several months ago.
Thanks, Nick! I will definitely be doing more non-haiku poetry comics! I'm working on one right now. I actually have a book that collects three of my non-haiku poetry comics. Here's a newsletter link to one of those poetry comics from the book.