Thank you!

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You are most welcome!

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Great haiku!

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Hope looks different to each of us, the color, the shape, the size. Resiliency is a key thing, where we slog back, make our return from the inevitable knockdown. Grit is another, the not quitting part of the slog. Always enjoy your stuff. thanks

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Thanks, Weston. Hope, Resilience, and Grit and three horsewomen of salvation.

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What a poem to wake up to. And keep.

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Thank you. I'm happy this meant something to you.

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I too have been thinking of hope and how its looking for us.

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I love how these ideas seem to be in the air.

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Thank you! This is something I needed to see this morning. Visiting with my grown sons & grands, tomorrow is my last day. While here I lost two days to the wildly unpredictable RA flare. It began and instead of being one joint as usual, it decides to take on many. It has been many years since I have had multiple flares at the same time. The swelling, the PAIN like each joint is being bent the wrong way.

I was in pain, even after almost 17 years I panicked. I was in a difficult state. I was not going to be able to fly home. I was not going to play with my youngest granddaughter.

Then my son & DIL said what can we do about it? Their calm was the hope I needed. I called my AZ Rheumatologist and he was able to get steroids to a local pharmacy. They are not something I usually will take. They take on a life of their own. The flares are easing but it still leaves a mark on my memories. I am already a homebody. Will I stop traveling to see them after this?

Hope will arrive. I need it to visit when it is ready. Or when I am ready. I was not prepared to be a “disabled” person. I’m not even a differently abled” person. But hope is all I have. I hang on to it like a life raft in the middle of the ocean.

☀️✌🏻 Hope is a necessity

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Wow, that's a lot to handle right now. I'm happy this poem and post could give you a little respite. I'm sending you healing, hopeful vibes.

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Thank you 🙏🏼✌🏻💯

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More than you know. It’s perfect.

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amazing piece! thank you.

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You’re welcome! Thanks for reading

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Screaming in the car is a spectacular thing to do. Queen Noor of Jordan often takes a jeep from the palace fleet, much to the angst of security, and drives into the desert, screaming at the top of her lungs. She's my role model for such things.

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I love that story about Queen Noor!

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Oh that is awesome- I can do that in Arizona!!

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I'm glad hope gave you the light to guide you through such a dark time. Judging by the wealth of your wonderful creative output, you've honed that light into a laser beam of deep insights.

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“laser beam” for sure! lol

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Thanks! My almost 19-year-old read one of my posts recently and told me I'm entering my wise old man phase. 🙃

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Thank you!

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Needed this one today, Jason. Thank you! 💜

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My pleasure. Thank you for reading!

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A timely message, Jason! Thank you. Yesterday during prayer, hope also came up. Its a reminder for me to stay resilient.

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It's amazing how often all our thoughts are interconnected. Art feels like the conduit for serendipity. I'm gald that this helped you in some small way. Thanks for reading!

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Needed this! School is stressing me out completely! I’m hoping I can get back to my newsletter soon. Thank you!

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You got this! I’ll be ready to read your newsletter whenever you’re ready to get back to it!

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Thank you so much!

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It's from her autobiography. I only read the first half as the rest of it got into the politics of the place of King Hussein part in it all. Her life was all I was really interested in at the time. I'd had enough of Middle East politics while at Kibbutz Usha.

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Beautiful, Jason. Thank you for this.

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Thanks for being such a faithful reader!

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