Good luck with your pitch!

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Thanks! It's only my second-ever pitch to a traditional publisher, so I'm nervous and probably overthinking everything!

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Eighth grade core (Language Arts/social studies) teacher Miss Byrd put on Simon & Garfunkel and similar artists and had our class journal. She told us we could specify "please don't read" for any given entry, so I felt safe being a silly, vulnerable teen. Stream of consciousness writing at that age made a HUGE difference in how I approached writing from then on.

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That sounds like an amazing teacher! I didn't stumble on stream of consciousness writing until college, but that unlocked a lot of doors for me as well.

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Love the third haiku especially

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Thank you!

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Yes love productivity one! Thanks for going live. Ooh and line swallows all ambition line from last read. Good luck and keep them coming

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Thanks! It was a lot of fun. I just need to figure out what I did wrong with the audio 🤣

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No we all tend towards the negative in our minds ( survival instinct apparently) but I admire it.

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