deletedMay 5, 2023Liked by Jason McBride
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Thank you so much!

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I want to long for summer but unfortunately, I’m usually waiting for fall from June. I’m loving learning about the haiku.

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Thanks for reading! I have to say that summer is my favorite season. But over the past few years the best part of summer is shorter and shorter due to wildfires.

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My husband HATES that song so sometimes I play it just to annoy him (also I like the song so that's too bad for him, haha!) Is it the best REM song? No, but it's fun.

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Right? I agree that there are a lot of REM songs that are better than Shiny Happy People, but it's still a great song to blast on a warm summer day as you drive with the windows rolled down.

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Cool summer grass was definitely a thing I remember from my childhood. Grass now just feels charred and angry to me. I think it might be climate changes, honestly. There's not enough water to go around to all the grass roots. At least not where I live. Our family took a trip to the Netherlands last summer and I was amazed at how green (and soft and cool) everything was. But those folks have water management down to a science.

Also. Love Shiny Happy People. Also love Hanson's Mmmbop. So, take that, haters! 😂

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Yeah, I've noticed that grass feels different than it did when I was a kid. I'm not sure if it's a change in the breeds of gras used or like you said something having to do with climate change.

I'm jealous of your trip to The Netherlands! It sounds like a beautiful place.

Mmmbop is another fun song! Sometimes I think some people are too busy trying to look cool instead of living their best life. It's definitely a problem us Gen Xers had as teens and young adults.

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Thanks for including the transcript! That was thoughtful of you!!! ❤

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My pleasure!

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I love the song, too! And I agree with, “Be the weird you want to see in the world.” Not many people know how to just be anymore. Be in the moment, be yourself, be one with whatever you are able to enjoy that moment. A happy, joyous and free life is available to all if they just took a moment to be their real selves, weird and all.

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Yes! Brene Brown talks a lot about hate being centered on feelings of fear and pain. So much of the negative in our world is because we grow up thinking there's something wrong being our weird selves.

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Side thread to this fine haiku: gonna see the B52s show later this week. And that REM song, like the B52s “Roam” never ceases to to bring a wide smile when I hear it.

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My favorite part of Roam is the opening where you hear someone proclaim incredulously, "Get a job?"

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