Interesting stuff good luck with the new format and schedule. Also, looking forward to reading the space opera!

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Thanks! I figure it's time to get some of these stories out of my head and into actual books.

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Great haiku today! And your point between AI hallucinations and lies, so good! Also, never mind the copyright infringement on, I don’t know, some 6-7+ billion people on earth, no biggie.

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Thank you! Yeah, the way AI has been developed seems reckless. In the U.S. especially, we give tech titans too much deference, both culturally and politically.

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I appreciate your perspective on AI and how it effects your career. I believe that, generally, people are jumping the gun concerning AI and are underselling the human intelligence. We are better than AI!

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I agree. The AI stuff has a strong crypto-bubble feel to it. I already see the web starting to get flooded with AI-generated crap content that isn't helping businesses grow faster. It's just making it harder for people to find what they want.

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“But the problem with AI, is that it has to have human fuel to continue growing.”


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Once again the tech bros have made something where we are the product!

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I dig the use of the voice memo. Lead on McDuff!

You are also spot on about the use of AI. I'm seeing it already hammer the hell out of the Graphic Design field in part due to Adobe and a few other companies incorporating the use of AI into their apps. They literally are undercutting/devaluing any graphic arts education, experience and skills by employing a business model that in a nutshell says "anyone can be a graphic designer as long as you use our tools." This of course is gutting careers as wages plummet thanks to cheap idiots without any design sense hiring other idiots to push buttons for the lowest possible cost.

Thanks AI.

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I hear you. I worked long enough in the graphic design field to go from doing pasteup with Linotype by hand, to using the first Apple desktop PC's. From drawing illustrations by hand to being told to use clip-art instead. From carrying pasted up layouts in a box to the commercial printer to using FTP protocols to "send" art and layouts digitally to the printer. Each technology advance had it's stages where the new tech solutions created problems where there hadn't been problems before. The new problems were dealt with by the graphic designer worker bees the benefits from each change were to the owners who could use it to justify the minimization of costs,the layoff of workers etc. Over time the problems the new tech change created were ironed out and the change became more workable - and more just for the workers.

Seems to me that for every new tech change there's an ugly duckling stage and two steps backwards to go one step forward... and I suspect that's going to be true of AI too.

But whatever. Pass the bourbon and let's toast @JasonMcBride on his new endeavors!!! Cheers!!

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Thanks Sue!

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I see a lot of this attitude with the big studio honchos in the writers and actors strike. They want shortcuts but have no idea how art is actually made. They look at writers and actors and think anyone can do that and then it’s a short jump to think, a machine could do that.

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I like the voice memo addition, Jason. I think it adds to your poetry, because your work is already so curious, personal, creative, and conversational. Keep it coming!

When AI tries to make "art" I find it depressing. Something about it is so flat and soulless. Art is a surprise, and really good art has a freshness that evokes emotion in both the artist and the receiver. I think it was Rick Rubin who wrote about art as a universal way to send messages between each other-- and through time. A language that's unpredictable. Art is exactly the *opposite* of AI which is built on predictability. So AI definitely has a place in *task work*, for sure. But there is always a yearning for real ART in the real world-- made by creative, expressive human beings.🌿💡🎨

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Thank you! I agree art is as human as anything about us.

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Wishing you all the best as you embark on writing your novel. Go, Jason! You got this. As with AI, I am open to using the tool at work. I treat it as a starting point for brainstorming ideas. It’s here to stay so might as well learn to use it where it can be useful.

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That’s a great perspective!

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