This small heron is new to me, too! I love how patient you both were in noticing each other. Wishing you a wonderful week and many more creative surprises, Jason!

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Such a lovely reminder to notice!

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Thank you!

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Wonderful. We have a blue heron living on our lake for years. His name is Kevin. No idea why.

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That's hilarious! There was a seagull with a crooked beak that would come and sit on the railing of the beach house we were staying at one summer. We called him Eddy.

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Indeed, Jason, put down your phone and notice. How can anyone sit anywhere but a closed room and stare at a phone? There's too much going on. (There, I've done my Karen bit for the day. Please forgive.)

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The phone is an all to convenient escape hatch from our thoughts and feelings

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True. It's the most recent and pervasive prop to come between people. I read a little article which told about Annie Denver and Yoko Ono comparing notes on their husbands. Both men had the habit of grabbing their guitars when in company as a barrier to really close contact between them and other people. Sometimes even their wives. I guess people who spend much of their time "making love to thousands of people" (Denver's quote) that they had to place distance between themselves and their really close companions. Now the phone, a much small device, is front and center.

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Jason, what a coincidence that we both sent out similar stories with similar messages today, at around the same exact time. How strange and fun! Loved your post. 🦅 🦢 🐦

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There must be something in the air! I loved your Songbird story as well.

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This is fantastic!

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Thank you!

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I love this. Green herons are one of my favorite birds. I so rarely see them. Where I live, great blues, and egrets of all types abound. But I recently saw something new in a creek that I’d never seen before. It was a yellow crowned night heron. What a spectacular name for a spectacular bird.

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Thanks! I’m so glad you enjoyed this. Yellow crowned night heron is a magnificent name! I’ve never seen one of those either.

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