Love this, Jason! It's cool to hear the post was helpful to you.

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Often we need to look at our beliefs to see how they are holding us back. My current perceived obstacles are health and energy (lack of both). Trying to figure out how to move through these. Another great post, Jason. Thanks.

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Fear gets in my way. I hate saying it but it’s true. I don’t know how I/my family could find a way without the paycheck at the moment. I love teaching, but having an opportunity to write fiction full time would make my heart burst. There’s nothing I enjoy more. If down the line I could take a chance on it with only a moderate risk, I think I’d go for it. With all of this said, I do I feel like I’m on the right path.

Thanks for the thoughtful post, Jason!

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In the recent past, I perceived careers and family caregiving as obstacles to pursuing my writing dreams but now I find they were merely a speed bump on life’s road trip. I was not entirely sad to see the end of a 25-year career and while I do mourn the loss of my parents, I keep their spirits alive through my writing.

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Jason, thank you for “making me think”!

As silly as this sounds, when our “Best. Dog. Ever.” died of old age in 2020, a part of my Muse died with her. She was a co-MC in my crime novel trilogy, which I’ve shelved for good. It’s been an obstacle and I’m slowly writing again.

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